Sunday, March 14, 2010

What should be that you took Western business?

 In the western saloons like to wash up the bones of Russian emigres. Especially in recent years, when immigrants from Russia began there in a big way to spend and invest professionally earned capital in the home. However, there is a separate category of people who have achieved success outside of Russia. They do not appear in the list of billionaires, but that the country owes its unflagging reverence before "the Russian genius."
Europeans are not like a joke, not that seriously believe that a tailor should be an Italian, a doctor - a Frenchman, a manager - the Swiss. By then their understanding should be Russian? Interviewees "Co businessmen could hardly be called a few names of fellow countrymen, to whom wealth and recognition came after moving abroad. Remembered world tennis star Maria Sharapova, hockey player Pavel Bure, Alexei Abrikosov and physicists George Gamow. Our compatriots hardly showed themselves in foreign business.

Allo, we are looking for talents!

As expatriates are sent overseas as entrepreneurs seeking to create their own business, and hired managers, who hope to use their experience in western companies. Many of our compatriots go abroad just to learn. Professional opportunities opened for them in the learning process, and they decide to stay. For example, the former chairman of Yukos Simon Kukes, a graduate of the Moscow Chemical-Technological Institute. DI Mendeleev. Doctoral dissertation he defended in Houston RICE University, who in 1977 invited the young Soviet scientist within the scientific exchange. In 1999, Kukes was in the top ten best top-managers of the Central European version of the publication of The Wall Street Journal Europe, and in 2003 the Financial Times named him one of the 64 most respected business people in the world. Another example - Alexander Izosimov. Graduated from Moscow Aviation Institute, he received an MBA in France, then worked as a consultant with McKinsey and held several key positions in international companies Mars Inc.

According to experts, a very small percentage of immigrants from the CIS start their own businesses abroad, the bulk of immediately trying to find some work. "I do not remember cases that some of our compatriots went abroad just to build a business from scratch. Usually, all hoping for a career in the Western company or to his talent ", - said the general director of personnel of the company Ancor Energy Services, Konstantin Borisov. According to him, people from the CIS to make a successful career abroad is difficult. Western business a few steps ahead of us. All the major management products, standards and progressive business technology, such as credit, banking and food retail, came to us from the West. "Western managers are much better versed in the technical plan. And besides, they are much better communicates, - says Boris. - Therefore in the West to our compatriots often somewhat biased, at times even contemptuous attitude ".

For example, in the U.S. continue to live by the belief that the Russian can be a very good engineers, but in the management of the Americans are always ready to give any of them a hundred points handicap. "I have not heard about the fact that the American company has invited people from Russia to a position of responsibility - he says. - MAZ manager did not even average, and the lowest level is very difficult because of the manager you want to experience the country's presence and a decent knowledge of the language. Start a business even harder, to register a company, you need to understand the various forms of companies. For example, in the U.S. different states have their own rules of registration, tax payments and relief.

With regard to European countries, the experts point out that Koreans are generally interested in career development abroad, unlike the British and French officials are always ready to stay at work late and carry it on weekends for much less money. "Our immigrants have a significant advantage - they are working with great enthusiasm and dedication. Thus, we take no skill, and the pressure and drive ", - adds Borisov.

When local companies are invited to a work of Western managers, then offer them a higher level of compensation than they could get at home. Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians are able to offer Western employers only knowledge of the specifics of domestic business. For some foreign companies find it a valuable experience Russian managers in an emerging market. But all depends on the scope of activities. "For example, in Russia in the FMCG sector companies to 80 - 90% of sales through distributors and only 10 - 20% - through trade networks. In the West, the situation is reversed: 10 - 20% of all sales go through distributors, the rest - through supermarkets. In this regard, Russia's Managers in the field distribution in the developed markets are not in demand, but their experience is useful in developing countries with similar market situation ", - considers the managing partner Transearch / Top Hunt International Stanislav Alexeyev.

According to Ilya Shershneva, employees of international companies "have no nationality, color or place of residence", which is why our countrymen have no restrictions. But usually the Russian-speaking employees, such employers are attracted by planning expansion to Russia's market. Then the need not only knowledge of the language and the specificity of the local market, but also personal relations expats.

In this sense, revealing the history of the famous designer Vladimir Pirozhkova, who left Russia in 1991. While a student at the Sverdlovsk Institute of Architecture, he sent his drawings to one of the most famous European designer Luigi Colani in Switzerland, and the Russians took to the disciples. Head of Interior Design at the European Center Toyota in Nice confirmed the "Co", a career that began with the rise Pirozhkova booklet, brought by someone in Ekaterinburg with some European auto show. "There was addressed Colani, and a classmate came to us crazy idea to ask him if you can come to him - tells pies. - To lose, except for 50 rubles scholarships and hack-work from painting portraits, was nothing. Colani given the opportunity to participate in the competition for training in one of the best European design schools Art Center College of Design in Switzerland.

After five years of work in design bureau Citroen Pirojkov moved to Toyota. Now he considers himself to the elite of world auto design. "The most massive car in the world - Toyota Corolla, about 2 million vehicles a year. Toyota Yaris, the car for girls - a half million. Another half a million - Avensis. However - about 4 million vehicles. Sales volume - 60 billion euros a year - lists Pirojkov their work in conversation with the correspondent of "Co". - The liability of the designer we associate with voice-over budgets. I would compare those amounts with an annual budget of France, including aircraft carriers and supporting African regimes.

Ne believe, do not be afraid, do not ask

However, our overseas can successfully sell not only their hard work and knowledge of the specifics of Russia business. Vivid example of this - Alexander's bad, which is rightly called the only Russian designer, have achieved recognition and financial success in the West. Experts believe that this contributed to his de facto "denial of the Motherland". He was born in Naro-Fominsk outside Moscow and moved to America in 1991. Plokhov repeatedly stated in interviews that he considers himself to New Yorkers, while pointedly not talked with the local Russian-speaking community. Men's clothing under the label Cloak created them a few years successfully sold in France, Germany, Japan and especially in the United States. In America, the designer has received several prestigious awards: in 2003 became one of the winners Ecco Domani Fashion Foundation, a year later won the Vogue / CFDA Award. A year later, won the CFDA Swarovski Perry Ellis Award. Last public recognition was a nomination for "Best menswear designer" according to CFDA.

Experts believe that the successful ascent Plokhova facilitated by the fact that, unlike many of today's young fashion designers, he does not rely on traditional bast Russian motives. Although several collections, he paid tribute to nostalgia, presenting models with prison tattoos and the symbolism of the "Cinema". Plokhov recognized that hardly anything could be achieved if it had not finished in time the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages. Good English gave him the opportunity to enter the International Academy of Merchandising and Design in Chicago and then find a job with a well-written resume in English.

Perhaps the bonds of marriage allowed to avoid such trouble to another successful player of the world fashion-industry. Love Maciejewski, in marriage Azria - Creative Director of Fashion House BCBG Max Azria. It is another representative of the American design community, which prefers not to think about historical homeland. Her husband, Max Azria - founder of the brand, also an emigrant, a Frenchman of Tunisian origin. For 15 years, together they managed to increase the capitalization BCBG up to $ 350 million and take the company among the leading American manufacturers of clothing, shoes and accessories.

The turning point career jeweler Daniel Lazar, moved to New York from Moldova, was the meeting with an enterprising local businessman. Now watches Tiret - a joint project of Daniel Lazar and musician, producer and entrepreneur Damon Dash - an essential attribute of every self-respecting hip-hop artist. Ornate rococo style clock, studded with large diamonds, Lazar picked up while working as a designer in the watch company Jacob & Company. There he joined after a painter and has worked to open the jewelry shop. Introducing Dash Lazar allowed to present your time salon on Fifth Avenue in New York, where he exhibited, as many critics, "the flashy obscene" copies cost from $ 18 thousand to $ 200 thousand with processed manually stones. Lazar also takes special orders. For example, a clock with a 1106 yellow and white diamonds cost a famous rap artist Usher nearly $ 2 million

Kuznetsy his happiness

Another niche, which is perfectly mastered by our emigrants, - the sphere of high technologies. The pioneer in this field believe Russians Vladimir Zworykin, who in 1933 along with another Soviet emigre - David Sarnov, president of Radio Corporation of America (RCA) - created the first television station (by the way, the plants have started production of the first RCA TVs). Later Zworykin invented a night vision device, and RCA is still one of the world's largest manufacturers of television equipment. In 1939, Russia's other aircraft immigrant, Igor Sikorsky built the first helicopter in the U.S., and his company Sikorsky Aviation Corporation became one of the world's leading helicopters. Inventor tetrisa Alexey Pajitnov also became a living legend of the United States. Unable to obtain the copyright of "Tetris" in the USSR, in 1988, with the support of Bullet-Proof Software, he organized a company Animatek, and in 1991 moved to the United States. However, the activities of its companies abroad can not be called successful. Then the market surged a huge stream of computer games, and Animatek could not compete with other manufacturers. In 1996 Pajitnov left Animatek in corporation Microsoft, which released a set of puzzles Pandora's Box, has received several prestigious awards.

Now the exact number of Russian high-tech U.S. is difficult to assess. According to Alloy Ventures, one of the largest investment firms in Silicon Valley, in the United States more than 300 companies producing software based came from the CIS.

Success Stories Russian innovative businesses in the U.S. a lot. Among the famous names - Max Levchin, founder of PayPal, which has become the main payment system on the Internet. In 2002, PayPal for $ 2.2 billion has bought the online auction site eBay and made it his settlement system. A native of Yerevan, David Yang - Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of ABBYY Software House (the creator of the program Fine Reader), one of the most famous entrepreneurs working in the field of high technologies. His biography is included in the American Directory «Who is Who 2001". Born in Leningrad Alex Pinch - founder of Red Hat. In late 2006, Nokia Networks Business Group has selected Red Hat Enterprise Linux core operating system for server systems, large providers. Gregory Shenkman and Alec Miloslavskii - founding Genesys, global provider of solutions for the processing of telephone connections. Another famous native of Russia Stepan Pachikov - creator of the software company "paragraph" - since 1994, lives in the United States. Technology handwriting by "paragraph" is now installed on each Pocket PPC Window CE.

According Pachikova, a time when Russian programmers are highly traded in America, go into the past: "The founder of the firm PayPal (now Slide) Max Levchin recently explained to me why does not like to employ Russian programmers: they had no systematic education in programming -- where you need to know they invent. I have a firm EverNote the bulk of programmers - from Russia, and I am only now beginning to understand where all my problems. If Americans entrust the program obviously stupid problem, it will be a few months to go for you, explaining why this problem does not make sense; Russian programmer will say "Yes!" And do what he wants, that is what it has to be done, but Hindus say "Yes!" and do exactly what he instructed. " Russian programmers enjoyed a reputation of "unwieldy". To be led by a Russian engineer is unnatural for an American manager.

Most of the above people - graduates of prestigious technical universities of the USSR. Professional managers were not among them, so the science of entrepreneurship, they had to grasp in practice. And not always successfully. Russian programmers, successful, often acting in partnership with managers and investors, limiting itself strictly engineering role. For example, Max Levchin has worked with hedge fund manager Peter Tilem, who assumed the task of marketing and management.

I Edu home

In the list of prominent Russian emigrants stand out businessmen who had come abroad with substantial capital. Among them, Vasily Anisimov, Leonard Blavatnik, brothers Rubeny and Black. "Their example - is an entirely different situation than the people who go for a career hire a manager or to sell their talent, - says Ilya Shershnev. - Many of them have become investors and prefer a "pensioner's business", for example, buying and investing in real estate to generate income. However, achieving success abroad, they always nostalgic.

Experts see two major reasons why even having been successful overseas businessmen returning back to their homeland: cultural, social and rational. "The main rational motive - we can be much faster to make money. Professional, long worked abroad, in respect of domestic business - a man of the future. At many events taking place in our economy, it looks like in the past and because of experience knows what all this will lead. This "view from the future" is it a significant advantage and contributes to more effective professional activity ", - considers Stanislav Alexeyev.

Another expert, recalled the existence of the Russian language is no such thing as a "foreign land", which can not be translated into English and many other languages with the persistence of subtext. "They say foreign countries or find other synonyms that do not have that negative connotation, which is incorporated in the Russian" foreign country ". Russian man to work abroad seriously psychologically: impact nostalgia, traditions, typical of our relationship in the team ", - notes Konstantin Borisov from Ancor Energy Services. According Shershneva, "all of our guys, who for several years working in investment banks and other international companies, want to return home sooner or later.

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