Sunday, March 21, 2010

Market Overview Forex: Dollar definitely clears

According to LigaBusinessInform "Forex Club", apparently, investors tired uncertainty "of the Greek question, and they still decided to buy a dollar, thinking that this is yet to be safer. As the EU member states still have not offered any specific help, the Greek Prime Minister gave a week of European finance ministers to develop a plan, warning that otherwise he would ask the International Monetary Fund (IMF). By the way, it there was almost sent Germany, said on Saturday that "without the IMF to solve the problem will be difficult, although the head of the European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet and French President Nicolas Sarkozy with this turn do not agree, because" it will say that the EU can not by itself razrulit their crises.
Thus, the dollar began to strengthen further during active trading in Asia, the opening of European sites for the euro given the order of 1.3700 dollars at auction in America, the price went even lower than 1.3600. A pound, market participants are less willing to part, apparently, still happy to improve the situation in the British economy, marked by fundamental data releases this week. Reluctantly rate GBP / USD still went below 1.5300 and then 1.5250 and below, where it closed the day.

USD strengthened during the active trading in the U.S. contributed to release data on the manufacturing sector: manufacturing index, calculated by the Philadelphia branch of the Federal Reserve unexpectedly turned out to be much better forecasts. And the data on inflation and unemployment are not pleased, but their special positive and did not expect, so turn down the dollar has not happened.

Separately it is necessary to provide the behavior of the Swiss franc, which for the time being followed in the same direction moving the other competitors USD, ie, bottom: in the early days of the USD / CHF was given less than 1.0550, and at the time of sale in the U.S. price reached 1.0645 . But then news came in the words of one member of the Board Bank of Switzerland, whose essence was that the Bank can not fight endlessly with the strengthening of the national currency. The call to "prepare to return to the world of higher interest rates in the future" was clearly heard: market participants began to buy francs, resulting in USD / CHF for a minimum of 1.0532 days, and EUR / CHF - at least about one and a half years 1.4353.

Fluctuations of the dollar / yen on Thursday could be called sharp: updated at least couple weeks, go to 89.74 near the end of trading in Europe, and almost did the same with a peak, rising after the release of data on the U.S. to 90.79.

Forecast for Friday, March 19, 2010

On Friday, the European currencies, there is nowhere to wait for support: publications relevant data across the United States are not planned, and European news attention should be paid only the figures for inflation manufacturers in Germany, the dynamics of which, according to forecasts, promises to be negative. Thus, no new data still rely solely on market sentiment, which so far can be broadly characterized as "prodollarovye.

Accordingly, the euro will try to go below 1.3600 to 1.3550 as its immediate purpose (hereinafter - 1.3500). When you try to go upstairs in case of excessive stability 36th figure growth is likely to be limited to 1.3650 - that point all week was for the currency bottomed, but was broken on Thursday.

Pound is likely to continue to resist the downward movement: the currency has finally climbed above the significant level of 1.5200 for himself and has all chances to remain above that mark. Resistance will continue until at 1.5300.

Significant levels for the yen are 90.00 and 91.00, and the dollar / franc, which still had to stay within 1.0500-1.0600, as analysts do not rule out "Forex Club" yesterday, apparently, will continue to stay in this range.

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