Sunday, March 14, 2010

The secret of success of Japanese business

The secret of success of Japanese business - the ability to hear the opinion of the minority. On the Japanese tradition in the business are legendary. What exactly have these national characteristics of business? Questions answered by the general director of the Independent Center of the Japanese "Professor Anatoly Solntsev. - Take for example the decision making process: how it differs from Western?  

- In Japan, unlike many countries, where decisions are taken by majority vote, the emphasis on mainstreaming minority views, on the fact that all participants came to a single point of view. Consensus building requires time and more tolerance to different point of view. Beautiful illustration that - in Japan has been borrowed from American innovation: "quality circles".
At the same time in Japan has traditionally not such a big role, as, for example, in Russia, is an authoritarian management.
There's more collegiality, which could be called the "division of responsibility. This does not mean that komuto of leadership given the opportunity to act carelessly. Perhaps the decision making process is delayed, but it allows you to avoid hasty and, consequently, reduce the number of errors.
- It is known that the Japanese production of different coherence, on any stages (production of parts, assembly, sale) is not observed downtime. As stipulated in the business traditions?
- Employment of Japanese - this is not the time for a smoke and idleness, as well as of trade union and campaigning activities. The entire production process - organically structured flow, in which the intermediate results do not accumulate and do not constitute a traffic jam on each "sandbank". Therefore, the Japanese do not require large-scale stores (they are too expensive to make do with the 125 millionth of the nation, living on such a small space) and the expectation from the vendor. It originally comes from a different understanding of large and medium production. Konosuke Matsushita, founder of the group of companies, including owning the brands of Panasonic and National, spoke frankly about the gravity of the illness of a large company "and called for the divestiture, the full reliance on small and medium businesses, which in Japan is presented as an indivisible concept. When to Matsusite asked union representatives to authorize a strike, he had their permission, but only in their free time.
- Japanese corporate culture is different predictability, "lifetime career" in this country are not uncommon. What are the pros and cons of such a system?
- Do you mean attitude towards their company as a large house and "family" relationship in it?
- Yes.
- Traditions of "lifetime employment" of employees of Japanese corporations provided above all confidence in the future. The Japanese say: "I do not grab the stars from heaven, but I" at ease ", and slowly I have eaten my rice!" In regard to the motivation for such behavior, the Japanese company does not appoint its employees high salaries immediately, but added bonuses and a major part of the wages gradually. Moreover, the average employee is all their work in the company until his retirement. It seems dull, but this scheme is the pledge of establishing an appropriate corporate environment with a constant rotation of personnel and unhurried movement forward.
- How to build the process of adaptation in the enterprise, employee involvement in the community, where he will work hard all your life?
- Staffing - this is the first step to business success, they say in Japan. It should be borne in mind that almost everywhere being tracking the growth of human re-joining the company.
The first task of adaptation - to fix the basic skills of social behavior, including rules and manners, so that staff understand their weaknesses. Interestingly, in Japan in relation to the newly hired often use the term "the June illness. In Japan, the work is usually taken in April, with the new financial year. May takes the first steps on the new workplace, but since June symptoms of the rejection of a new, unusual yet lifestyle.
- How is the rest of the Japanese system of workers? We know that many of them do not even return home at night, preferring to spend the night in spetsialnyhgostinitsah where they filmed at night "sleeping place".
- Really, when you ask a question about the average Japanese holiday, the answer is surprising: the figures are not comparable with Russia. First, a little Japanese man thinks, remembering the number of weeks per year, and then performs simple arithmetic operations and issues that he is resting for two days a week, and all national holidays. And as such leave is taken in order to ... to hurt or substitute two or three days - the interval between a national holiday, grouped into three blocks: the New Year, the May and August. Special hotels, including the so-called capsule pencil designed to sleep, really exist, but they are not for employees working every day, and for leisure and business travel.
- In Japan, as a rule, any person makes a career in the company, which came after the university. How Japanese companies cope with the selection of the most talented employees?
- Gradually, in line with globalization, Japan is very much changing and moving away from many traditional forms of governance for themselves. The transition from the company in the company it is quite possible. Every year there is a competition, and the selection of candidates for all the company conducted at approximately the same time.
It is still in the country is much more significant is not the final exams in high school, and "opening" - in the enterprise. In Japan, it is difficult to get into a good company, and that it is similar to all other countries in the world

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