Sunday, March 14, 2010

Laws of Nature and Business

Laws of Nature and Business

Laws of Nature

Recall the statement: "The universe is fair, reasonable, harmonious." Existing laws in Nature provide reasonableness and fairness of the universe. What are these laws? Immediately specify that there were laws invented by people, to some extent reflect the laws of Nature. In those countries where these (social) laws closer to nature, society is more harmonious, reasonable and just. Such states are more viable to have fewer social and natural disasters, higher living standards, lighter and more secure life. In those countries where social laws are at odds with nature, we find a different picture.

History shows us many examples where disadvantaged countries and cities perished under the onslaught of the savages, collapsed under the weight of its own vices or suffered from the effects of natural disasters. Nothing without a reason does not exist! The law of retribution or karma applies to people, city and state. The reasons for all situations in the present must be sought in the past actions of the corresponding level. Fall of Phaeton to Earth, the destruction of Atlantis, the eruption of Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii, the earthquake in Spetake and Tashkent, the explosion of the reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - is also not accidental. All aspects of life on earth subject to the laws of nature, which inevitably apply regardless of whether we know about them or not.
Conceptual laws

In addition to social laws, there are so-called conceptual laws. Conceptual laws show objectively existing in nature laws. Moreover, these laws can not change or break. They can only be taken into account and thus facilitate their existence on Earth. Many of these laws, you already know. I invite them to remember.

The law of karma, which says that all the events of our lives are connected with our past actions, words, actions. Can I break the law or do wrong? No. Whatever you did, the law of karma will take into account your action and it will affect your future. And how this law can be taken into account? It is enough to show some effort and to avoid negative actions, words and thoughts in the present. Then, as a consequence, you get good karma. Another conclusion to be drawn from this: if today you live uncomfortable, then try to determine what actions in the past have led to this and change.

As the law is manifested in the financial sector? If a man uncomfortable with the debt or lack of funds, it is useful to understand the causes that led to a situation and change their habitual behavior.
Like attracts like

But this law can not do? Apparently not. Either you are attracted to a man, therefore, you tell him something similar, or are not attracted. As this law is taken into account in life? Recall a familiar situation: you wanted to meet a nice man. What do you do first? Looking for that you have in common, on which you can build communication. If the total is not, then you are artificially creating something in common. Starts attending the same company as your elected representative, interested in his hobbies, and contact appears on the established grounds. In business, this law is manifested as follows. If you liked a successful man, but he does not show any interest to you, then you need something to do as he. For example, to do business like that, to cultivate a similar quality and habits.
With the outside - and inside it

No matter how we dressed, how to decorate themselves or: everything we do is print our inner world (except in cases of deliberate fraud). If your friend - a simple-minded and poor man, it's likely, he looks appropriately. Naturally, when he will be a lot of money, it will look different. But the fact is that while it is not intrinsically change - money does not appear. And if it does not matter what will contribute in its own image - which means that internal changes have already begun. When a person without first obtaining a sufficiently large sum of money begins to change their image, their wardrobe - this is the beginning of change for the better in finance.
What's at the top - then at the bottom

Any structure, or organization that has several levels. And the common accusation that the management does not work or negligent subordinates - are superficial and unfounded. Hardly a great leader will attract to itself incompetent performers. When you meet the head of the structure with any disadvantage, be sure that the structure suffers from the same ailment. Conversely, if several people in the structure have the same problem, you're likely to have the head is the same problem. And before you join, consider this: Do you have the strength to resist such a shortage.
Your mission is not finished on Earth, if you're alive

One can say it differently: as long as you carry out its mission - you are alive. And Nature gives you the opportunity, power, money. It is difficult to question the logic of such approval. But in life there is often such a situation: doing his usual thing, but it was not. In order for such situations there was no need to give serious consideration to the choice of the case, which you intend to do. If this is your business, then to him you will have a great desire and interest. The business that you have found the logic of profits or council, is often not yours. And if you do not your thing, then Nature will not allocate forces, resources and opportunities. The correct choice of target - it is a very important task. No matter how simple and easy or a business that you advertise, if it does not match your purpose, your purpose on earth - a very success is questionable. And the problem is very likely.
What are you afraid of - that comes to you and

This is a very important law, confirming the link between your thoughts and those events that are happening to you. Every thought is material, whether positive or negative. By producing positive thoughts, you come near their goals, dreams, desires. Power of thought in its clarity and emotion-laden. What is in it more energy (emotions), the idea effectively. Unfortunately, the fear - is a strong emotion, which is very quickly energizes the negative thoughts. We are afraid of something bad and it automatically draws. How to use the law? Feeling of fear is very necessary to every creature. Animals it saves lives. People pointed to the danger. And when there is fear, no need to fight it or suppress it. Should take precautions and insurance. This is why climbers use ropes, war - helmets and body armor, welders - masks and overalls, etc., most useful arisen energy of fear to turn into concrete actions aimed at reducing the risk of possible danger.
You teach best to what you most need to learn

Several paradoxical assertion. What is it connected? Imagine a situation where a teacher 20 years lecturing on the same topic. How many had left the enthusiasm and interest in this subject at the 20 th year of teaching? Apparently not. According to the law of conservation of energy a teacher seeking as little as possible to give energy to work due to lack of interest in the long-studied subject. Therefore, teaching is at the middle level. If the teacher himself is studying the topic, he has the energy, interest, enthusiasm, who involuntarily transferred to the students. Moreover, if the teacher just looked at the question, or learn something, he has vivid memories of how it is done and while there are some subtleties. It is interesting to share new knowledge with their students. As a result, creates a situation where the teaching force and power to examine the object shape. In this case, the win and the students and the teacher.

And another thing: teaching, the teacher learns. That's why you want to teach - to learn myself.
Desire is achieved without power for its implementation

Are there bad or unnatural desires? No, the desire - is an energy that is neither bad nor good. Either it is or not. Often people confuse the desire and the shape of its implementation. Just modalities of desire may be unnatural or unsuccessful. Consider an example. Othello strangling Desdemona. He wanted her to death? Maybe he wanted his wife was faithful to him? Probably the latter. But he does not control the emotions, and something happened, happened. Could solve this problem differently? Most likely, yes. Since there was no betrayal.

Another example. Man wanted to have a car. In such a situation, you can start earning money to buy a car, and you can steal someone else's. Both paths lead to the goal, but different ways of achieving it.

So bad, non-natural desires does not happen, but are unsuccessful and successful ways to implement them.

Another important aspect of the law: all desires are given to us for development. In fact, the way of realization of desires - is our path of spiritual development. And those people who, for whatever reason, refuse to fulfill their desire to fall into depression. Such behavior life loses its meaning, as do something on that nature provided the energy, the person refused, and no other energy. Life becomes uninteresting, empty, heavy, and most importantly - has no meaning.

The third aspect of the law: no matter how grandiose were your desire, they may carry, if we believe in their reality. If nature provided energy, and you felt it in the form of desire, then she (Nature) We need the fruits of this desire, and you - the process of achieving this goal. Often, people refuse to realize their desires in the business, anticipating difficulties and unfavorable economic situation in the country. A successful person from the sale of a desire not to refuse, he is looking for a suitable form of the objective conditions of implementation.
Do what you laid today

Every day is like the previous, every day becomes a different person. And if he lives in harmony with the world, then in their daily activities using a supportive environment that provides the nature daily. This is especially true can be seen in the life of farmers: their harvest is largely dependent on weather and natural conditions. In agriculture, the timeliness - a very important quality. But in any other case, this rule works. Each day brings its energy on Earth, this energy is able to accelerate some processes and inhibit others. If you do today, what is the nature helps you to work will be much easier, and success will be much greater. If the work, despite the adverse conditions, the result will be given with great difficulty. How do you determine what it posited to do today? Try to understand your desire to date, and make the most powerful of them. If circumstances suggest you carry an unplanned meeting or work, should not abandon them just because it is scheduled the day after.
Energy Laws

In conceptual laws, there are laws and other plans, which are manifested at the level of energy and only communicating with other people. Such laws are conventionally called the "energy".

You've got to - you and do it. What does "do you want? Rather, it is assumed that you have some desire or problem you want solved. If you propose to his desire to carry out another, it must be assumed that the other has no such desire, and make it somehow. To this must be prepared and understand that this is natural. "If you want to be done well - do it yourself.

Consider household example. Dad is watching TV and suddenly he wanted to drink tea. What are the possible scenarios?

1. The father demanded that his wife or children, so they make tea.
2. He went silently into the kitchen and he prepared tea for himself.
3. Ask anyone who will still be drinking tea (as himself, he will still prepare tea and it costs nothing to prepare him for the other).
4. Proposed, and he has prepared especially for their household of their favorite tea, handed it with honey, jam and pretzels.

Which of these options is right for you? But what option is unnatural? The first option is really unnatural, because it leads to conflicts. Either the tea is not as prepared as we wanted, or people, prepared tea, remained dissatisfied with the fact that he was not allowed to watch TV. As you may have noticed, performing energy laws, you can give and gain energy. But whatever way you choose behavior - all natural options you stay on good terms with others.

Consider another example. Since the work of a tired woman returns and begins to prepare supper. Suddenly it turns out that the house no bread. How can I do in this situation? And which option is unnatural? A non-natural variant, when a woman requires from his family, so they went and bought bread.
Not intended

Most people, unfortunately, do not know anything about the purpose and how they determine what is necessary, and how to correctly do so. Yet most of us set goals, working hard on their implementation and suffers from failures. Why is this happening? If a person is keenly aware of its vital mission, which is part of the evolutionary process on Earth, it will carry out its purpose because the very nature of this interest. If, however far-fetched goal, advertising or imposed by society, then no matter how you try, - to implement them practically impossible. To do this, neither the strength nor the capacity nor the right conditions. For strong-willed, strong people who know how to work without sparing himself, it turns into a big tragedy. In order to do not occur, there are mitigating the wording: "Man proposes and God disposes", "I will do this if you like nature," etc. All of these formulations assume that the average person can not have an objective picture of the world and do not know about the existence of some force in the universe.

In business and finance, this law manifests itself in exactly the same. If a person poses a large, but does not justify the purpose, it is likely they were not feasible. The man says: "By July I will have such a qualification, the amount the machine. And trying to implement this positive goal, a person is making every effort (and sometimes even more). But the fact still is an unhappy, because he fights with them: a shortage of money, with missing purchases, and ultimately - with the nature in which there are no prerequisites for this purpose. The result is that people can reach their far-fetched unnatural purposes only by any fraud or additional infusion capabilities. And where they can take? Or to put it in the energy of the family, health and welfare - then the goal is achieved, but at the cost of their health or welfare of the family. Or, to borrow money for future success - and then the man gets into trouble when his unnatural purpose is carried out, or rather "bought" on credit.

One firm enough young people wanted to get some qualifications and go to the carnival in Rio. By means of some fraudulent purchases he was able to recruit the required number of points, and he achieved his goal. I do not know whether he made these points at the expense of their money or not, but on the way back from Rio noticed his superiors. A month later at the seminar addressed the issue of vacancy director in one region. The administration recommended that the young man not because he is the most worthy, but because they saw it. When this news to hear the rest of the company, they were outraged and ready to resign from the company, because to obey such an incompetent specialist - means to ruin the whole thing. The question arises: is this young man who has reached his goal to improve their lives or got a big problem? He actually bought his trip to Rio and now must prove that really has the leadership qualities for which the Company gives such visits.
Live present

The energy aspect of the law is manifested in the fact that the energy released in the nature of today may send to the past or the future, but today remain without power. Often the elderly are sent energy into the past, seeing (and experiencing) photos, recalling how in his youth was good. Dreamers send energy into the future, living one's dreams. The same can be observed at the level of money when a person starts saving for a rainy day "or" divorced from today for a brighter future. " He was stealing from his present.

Sample. The family received a child support - 7000 "pre-perestroika" rubles. The son asks his mother to buy him shoes. The mother replied: "We postpone them for a rainy day!" Of course, that rainy day has come and all the money lost in the era of perestroika. The family refused to use the fact that it is given today, and Nature gave it to those who need it and is ready to dispose of it immediately.
The request did not refuse

How is a request from an order or an order? Please involves retribution energy, money or service.

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