Sunday, March 14, 2010

Focus on money

The law of concentration says: "All of what we think and speak, multiplied and increased, and that we deprive our attention - shrinks, fades and disappears," or in other words: that on which we concentrate our attention, we and multiply.
If a woman is directing its efforts at losing weight, it becomes slender, almost slender or "too" slender shape. If a woman is concentrating its efforts on the development of abdominal muscles, it strengthened the muscles of the press. If she collects recipes, her growing collection of recipes. If a person is fond of growing pot plants, it increases every year the number of pots with flowers. So, what man concentrates, he and develops. 
In the book of S. Clason "The richest man in Babylon" is an entertaining dialogue between two people who wanted to get rich: Bansira, masters for the production of chariots, and Cobb, a talented musician. Their dialogue is reduced to finding an answer to one important question: "Why we did not find any wealth? Just you and I never searched for it and not. You worked hard and master the most durable chariots in Babylon. It is for this purpose were sent to all your efforts. Therefore, in this, and you succeeded. I wanted to become a skilled musician - performer on the lyre. And in this I succeeded. In those activities, which were sent all our best efforts, we have succeeded.
If you want to attract money into your life, you need to start thinking about the money, invest in them part of their energy, effort and time. If a person is focusing on sales, then over time it becomes a master sales, if a person focuses on the art of presentation, then after a while he became an excellent speaker. If you will give more attention to positive thinking, then you have a negative time disappears from life. So, what we are concentrating their attention, develops, and what we forget is that we consider minor, fades, fades and eventually disappears altogether. This assertion is confirmed in the field of finance. To attract money into your life, you need to focus, their efforts on what the topic of money.
Without even noticing it, you are many times faced with the manifestation of the cosmic law of "like attracts like". Remember how to set up a musical instrument. They take a tuning fork, start using it to make sounds and if the instrument is tuned to the same wave, stop the configuration process - this tool is in working condition. Man also publishes a wave: it is his emotions, thoughts, assertions about the money. And if his thoughts, words, emotions are set on a wave of money, crisp bills are not forced to wait. Like attracts like. Remember, listen to any radio to find the frequency of the radio and adjust your receiver to a wave. In respect of money working the same mechanisms. The main thing we tune in to a wave of money, so they began to come into our lives, so we walked the same roads where the money go.
Once at a seminar on money, one woman asked my head:
- Why this injustice? We live on the first floor of a peasant. He had on the market for 2 stores, he begins to build a third. A man without scruples, but the money he has. A 5-floor, we lived a professor of mathematics. Honest-hearted man. Almost a Nobel laureate. If mathematicians were given this award, he would like them to be. Why he has no money? He can not make ends meet?
- Tell me, please, and have your rogue from the first floor there are bars on the windows? - Asked my manager
- There are, of course.
- A door in his book?
- Of course
- And at night he puts the gun under his pillow?
- Most likely
- And what he waiting for?
- Retribution?
- And rightly so. How, that and wait. Another question: why your professor, the most virtuous soul man, has no money. In order to become almost a Nobel laureate, how many hours a day to think about math?
- 24 hours!
- And what 24 hours a day thinking man without scruples on the first floor!?
So, one has the money, and the second mathematics. If our Professor of Mathematics, 3 hours per day thinking about money, perhaps he would have more money, what a rogue. Remember, Academician Fedorov, who has managed to engage and science and business at the same time (even in those difficult times). If the professor does not emit a minute to think about money, he naturally will not be money. He directs all his energies to mathematics. And to at least part of the energy to send the money.
How can you concentrate on the money? The most simple - daily cash accounting, where we write, where and how much money we spend and how much and where the money came to us. When we conduct daily cash accounting, this time we think about money.
Another way - to make a collage: You are on a background of money - and view it in the 'free' time: in transport, in queues, before going to bed in the morning ... When you look at a collage of this kind, then tune in the energy wave of money. Against this background, you can "put" not only himself but also his entire family. Make a screen saver on your computer: cash flow. Then, at the moment when the waiting mode appears on the screen cash flow, in which you can easily dive.
There are some mental exercises, allowing to tune to a wave of money and begin to involve them in their lives.
Exercise 1. Pick up a large banknotes. Carefully consider her one side, then turn, look on the other side. After mentally play back the memory and one, and the other side of the banknote. Let your subconscious will absorb the image of a large monetary bills.
Exercise 2. Imagine that you are in the wind tunnel and you are the flow of money. Pass it through itself. Let the money go through your head, through your soul.
Exercise 3. Imagine a large sum of money. What is it for you: a pack of large bills, a suitcase with the money? Now imagine a room full of money up to the top marks. Imagine that the money is stuffed with all your house. Raises the level of representation of a large sum of money for as long as it will seem real.
We multiply all of what we think. I recommend to purchase a variety of monetary figurines: a frog with the money, hotteychikov, Chinese coins, etc. In this sense, very revealing example from the book by V. Zhikarentseva. The author describes the story of a woman who decided to start the New Year with a new life. Another New Year's Eve, she asked friends to wish her a lot of money, and the result was at his birthday gift of a bag, stuffed the brim with coins, and the bag, "shining metal sides, heavily sat fat beetle scarab - a symbol of wealth in ancient Egypt. Being a superstitious man, woman "put the bag in a conspicuous place and began to represent how each coin, if the magnet, attracts new coins. And the bag is gradually grows in size and already has him Half the room. Say the same of the people, that money goes to money. And he did. A month later I was offered a new job - a commercial bank. Two thousand dollars a month - you do not have two thousand rubles! Mood I have changed drastically. I started to buy myself nice things in trendy boutiques. Changed the furniture in the apartment renovation done. Became a rest twice a year abroad. And in my purse, I always wear presented to me on the day of birth and the scarab, as it may sound funny, often talking to him. "
Note: when we begin to adjust to a wave of money, because we more frequently offer the possibilities of earning extra money, we find the money, we find the necessary information for money. How many times have I heard from members of The School of the investor, after its passage, they "see" something that had simply not noticed: magazines, books and websites for money, information about mutual funds, credit unions, money to them more often seen on the eyes through the people themselves begins to "pass" more and more money.
Remember the important rule: the mood for a wave of money allows you to focus on money, think about them and to bring into your life!

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