Sunday, March 14, 2010

Money loves account

Consider! This is a good   Ukrainian tradition! " V. Spivakovskiy, Ukrainian millionaire.

There are people who are struggling to make ends meet, and from time to time "shoot" a little money to hold out until payday. There are people who just a few years ago were rich, but now can not understand what has become of their money. And the millionaire and the poor very quickly lose all their savings if they spend more than comes to them. The problem is not how much money you have. 
The problem is, if you know how to manage them?
If you do not know how to manage them. That ...

"... In which case you will end up badly, a young man - urges said Bender. - Financial gap - the deepest abysses of all, it can drop all my life "Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov" Golden Calf ".

In order not to sink into the financial abyss, the money must be considered. This is the only way to control the financial flow. Rich people believe their money. Once, in Vladivostok, I had the opportunity to meet and interact with one wealthy woman. During the conversation, I noticed that she had all of their expenses and income into account, and wondered where she is a habit? At one time she read in a newspaper interview with Mikhail Gorbachev, where he talked about his wife Raisa. She was surprised by one fact of life Raisa Gorbachev. It turns out that Raisa Gorbachev always kept receipts of all purchases and led an expense and income to be able to demonstrate all that they lived well on the income earned by themselves and not by the revenue from the state. For her it made such an impression that she did too, so treat your cash flow.

The word "believe" in this case we mean the maintenance of permanent records of all their income and expenses. And we are doing this primarily for information: where and how much money comes to us, and where and how much goes away. If we do not know where and how many will come to us money, we can not determine the best source of income. If we do not know where and how much of our money goes, there's nothing we can not change because we have no power, but because of the lack of information. When we consider all the money, all expenses and income, we control the situation, we can change it.

Imagine that you wanted to know how to do your child. You come to the class teacher and ask them to show your report card "of the flower of life". See the report card and see: mathematics - Five, in physics - Five, by geography - Five, but the Russian language - not the best grades. And you know what should go in with the child yourself or hire a tutor for the Russian language. Based on what you have done such a conclusion? Based on the information received. Similarly, records of cash flow allows you to get information on the information to draw some conclusions.

The first conclusion - which, for what and how much money you expend. With this information, you can see their costs and optimize. For example, your child - a computer genius and all day sitting on the Internet. Over the Internet, you pay $ 150 a month. This you know, because started to record their expenses. With this figure, you can go to Internet cafes or center and learn, and how much is unlimited rate of the Internet. It turns out that such a tariff could cost $ 40 - 60 per month. And on level ground, you can optimize their spending on the Internet.

Another example. You are actively engaged in business and a lot of chatting on a mobile phone. During the week several times buying a refill card for your phone. Now you have started to keep track of money and at each account refill began to record their expenses on the phone. And it turned out that way your expenses amount to 800 hryvnia. If you do not have to keep records for that expenditure, as it had never noticed how much expend to negotiate on the phone. So, maybe. time to buy unlimited package, which will cost 400 - 500 hryvnia, which will again optimize their costs.

Third example. You have many friends who live abroad. You nazvanivaete them from your home phone. And, of course, each month you come to the account. Find out how much you expend to communicate with friends, you can reduce your expenses. For example, using the services of IP-telephony or set in their Skype program that allows you to spend hours talking with friends and spend many times less money.

Thus, the leading daily records of their costs, we get information and see where our money. Thanks to information received, we can optimize their spending and save a significant portion of their capital.

Second conclusion. Determine at what financial level you are at the moment. Recall that we distinguish four levels in the circulation of money: financial dependence - a condition when my income is less than my expenses, financial independence - a state where my income is equal to my expenses, financial wealth - a condition when my income exceeds the level of my expenses, financial freedom - a condition when my income exceeds my level of expenditure no matter what I am doing (traveling, walking, playing golf or tennis). Seeing information on how much I spend and how much I earn, I can see at what level at the moment I am. And draw appropriate conclusions: I live on the means or not. And if not, then what direction is the financial drain. One woman says: "My kids complain that I have little time to devote to them. To which I answered them that I do business and earn money. And a lot of money. But the most interesting, despite the fact that she earned a lot of children like eating on $ 100 a month, and continued to feed on $ 100. And she wondered: where does the earned money? She began to keep track of money. It turned out that she always took them. And as a good person, she could not refuse. As soon as she saw it, where leaking money, she decided not to lend to anyone else. Last month it called for only one person with a request to borrow money. She turned him down. More to it did not resemble borrow money. This one was a test: whether she will come or not, or just thinking. Life is checked, more checks not satisfied. If she had not started to keep track of money, it is unlikely that she could detect the diversion of money. Realizing where leaking money, people will be able to move from the level of financial dependence on the level of financial autonomy, with the level of financial autonomy on the level of wealth, but from the level of wealth at the level of freedom.

The third conclusion - we can find out their sources of income. Where and how much money they bring to us. How much money do I get to the main work, as long as I bring underworking how much I get as gifts, how much money they bring me odd jobs or gifts.

Consider a simple task.

Imagine that you are a financial expert. You get a friend and said: "I earn in sanpedimstantsii 700 hryvnia per month (equivalent to $ 140) and moonlighted in the business of direct sales, earning 200 hryvnia (equivalent to $ 40). Advise me what to do? What do I do? Remaining work sanpedimstantsii or direct sales business? "

On the one hand with your friend has a serious income of $ 140, which brings the main work, and $ 40 of additional earnings, which, strictly speaking, income can not be named. I had exactly the same relation to these numbers. But let's ask your friend: "Dear, but how much time you devote to business direct sales?" - "Not much. Well, maybe half an hour a day. So after work to a neighbor'll come, show directory, then on the break at work talk about our products. Half an hour a day. - "Wonderful. How much time do you go for their main job? "-" Like all normal people - 9 hours a day, but if you still attend to objects, then my working day increased to 12 - 14 hours. Sometimes even have to work on Saturdays.

Now let's calculate. 9 o'clock multiplied by 5 working days. Receive 45 hours per week. Multiply 45 hours for 4 weeks is 180 hours per month. Plus add time to travel to sites and opening hours on Saturdays - 40 hours. So he earns on the substantive work of 3.5 hryvnia (the equivalent of $ 0.7) per hour. Work in the business of direct sales, he devotes half an hour a day. Half an hour a day provide 10 hours per month. Divide $ 40 for 10 hours. We get that in the business of direct sales, he earns $ 4 an hour, almost six times more than the basic work. So where should be the main work? ..

But until we do not believe their money, we do not own this remarkable statistic that, where are our money, in some scope to apply the main effort.

So, the money must be considered, and a daily record of their income and expenses. And then, quite possibly, the end of the month we will open our eyes to it, which should be the main work.

How can you train yourself to keep track of its own financial flow?
In its organizer page to make accounting of funds and every day it blank. By the end of the first month will be able to draw initial conclusions about how you treat your cash flow. But this requires patience and persistence in action. And if it is not?

There is another option - a habit to daily records of money. Any teacher will tell you that the best way to educate yourself in some new qualities, skills, or skills - to involve themselves in the process through the game. Remember when parents have a child forced to do exercises, we do not understand why we need it. But, if we parents offered to play either football, or basketball, or tennis, we are happy to agree. Is that right? Similarly, we can involve ourselves in the process of use the ability to keep track of money through the game. Game "The key to wealth." This should just start to play it more often, which throughout the game are always there to keep track of money: where the money came to you where and how much spent. In the form of a game man for a few hours becomes a habit to keep track of money, transfer it into real life and self-conscious of the need for record keeping. Sometimes it comes to humor. I conduct the game "The key to wealth. The day after the game approached me one participant said: "Victor, everything works!" I made it clear that it works? You know, my sponsor told me about 3 years that it is necessary to keep track of money, but I nodded and that was all ended. But after yesterday's game I could see how important it is to keep track of money. Came home at night and tried to paint the memory of their expenses and revenues over the past month. In the morning I call clients who a month ago, took my products and pay not yet paid off. And they say: "When you come to us, we have the money you have prepared." Of course, newcomers are always lucky. Once a person is changing for the better, his life is rewarding. My friend works at a large publishing house. She has always been a problem as lack of money. I recommended to her that it took a month to account for its expenditure and income. At the end of the month, she calls me and says happily: "You know, imagine, and my salary at work have increased!". And her only one. Life is very favorable to those who are accumulating in his new qualities and skills. And in regard to money, this law works the same way. After all, this is what patience is necessary to record their daily expenses and income.

Dear friends, if you really want yourself to manage your cash flow, and that he is not ruled by you, start to keep track of money. No wonder they say: "Money loves account!". And remember that the Ukrainian tradition - it is considered! Count your money!

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